Monday, February 16, 2009

Genomics and expanding economic value

Where will the next big value bump come from to excavate the world economy from its current pit. In a previous post, I attempted to draw a linkage to between our economic state and the value of the economy (I need to spend more time on this idea). That is the easy part, the hard part is to determine what the next major value contributor will be to the economy. This Simpsons short from serves may give us a clue.

or not... I just liked the clip.

Back in 2003 Juan Enriquez presented this talk on the future with genomics, a field with its roots dating all the way back to the 1970's. But there has always been something keeping the future of genomics from completely times our computers were to slow, other times the National policies were too hesitant, but today the primary obstacle is the the health of the economy (we have fast computers and a pro-science administration). So over the next few years, I would expect to see the field expand like it never has before.

There are a few companies that seem to agree that genomics may be the way forward. Invitrogen's purchase of Applied Biosciences combines the sale of gene sequencing equipment with genomic services. Can you imagine if you were able to upload your genome to Google Health and have Google send you alert you when treatments or cures were available for your genetic dysfunction... Now that's value!

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