Thursday, February 28, 2008

The official Pentagon Blog site

Check out the new link to the DoD Blog feed on the right of the screen, I believe that it is staffed by the pentagon Public Affairs Office and caries the pentagon's latest releases to the world wide web. As far as I know it is the only public site at the pentagon. There is lots of cool stuff there so Check it out.


K T Cat said...

Totally cool!

Richard H. said...

The staff of President Obama must to enlarge International Humanitarian Law Dffusion in War Scenes. An expert of Armed Conflict Law , Marco Pizzorno , says that is necessary to give more importance to Human and Humanitarian Law for self safety of civlians and soldiers. On the Forum of Harvard University Marco Pizzorno speak about the International Rules in War Theatre.
The expert Marco Pizzorno says that "The Pentagon "is the Excellence of Military Strategic Plannig in the world ,but is important to offer a largest diffusion of International Humanitarian Law to explain problems in War Politic to Public Opinion. US Troops respect International Rules in War and the others?
This is One of the principal point .There's is the necessity to give "The Understanding "to civilians , in Hot countries of war scenes and to say their that in war there are International Rules to follow, specially to as non legitimate belligerents.

Limmerman said...

I think that the expert Marco Pizzorno is on the good way.
This is the perfect target that Us GOvt must to take. Marco Pizzorno is doing a real great work for all. He is building the immages of resolution offering "The Understanding" .
For Civilians ,soldiers and Public Opinion.It's a really good work. It's a good idea.

Joe Cotton said...

Reading in Time Magazine, I see that the US has only 71 submarines. Pity. Such a useful weapon.
Of course, all of them are nuclear powered.
I would envision hydrogen fuel cell powered subs, each costing about a million, so for a billion dollars, we could have a thousand of the little suckers and in essence rule the waves. Would come in handy in handling Somali Pirates.